Tuesday 24 May 2016

100 Happy Days - Day 8

Ugh. Monday. As much as I have enjoyed my 100 happy days thus far; I just knew Monday was going to test me.
Monday is New Bed Day and; as much as I adore a freshly made bed, that bed doesn't magic itself made, so there must be New Bed Day. I loathe making beds. I can dust, mop and clean until the cows come home but the thought if making beds makes me want to fling myself on the floor and howl like a two-year-old.
'I can help!' the Hubster beams at me; and I darkly mutter his utter estrangement to hospital corners and smooth sheets. 'Why not do just one bed each day then?' he suggests. 'Don't be so stupid! Then EVERY DAY would be new bed day!' Harrumph! Why did God make men so clueless?
With the air of an early Christian martyr bravely mounting the scaffold; I slog from washing machine to washing line and back again. I curse the clouds and dare them to spill ONE DROP of rain on my sheets. I make the beds - four of them! - and dust and Hoover the rooms.
Eventually, my bad-mood-propelled work is done. The beds are made, the old sheets are dry and everything is put away. That accursed chore is done for another week, and you know what?! That makes me so HAPPY!!!

100 Happy Days - Day 7

Ah! Sunday! Balm-to-the-soulday! Sleepday! Lazyday! How I love Sunday! smile emoticon

Sunday is the day I look forward to all week. The pace is gentler on a Sunday. Even the cats respect the sanctity of the Sunday lie-on and defer the we-want-breakfast mewing until a reasonable hour. 

There's Mass at the sweet little Chapel at St. Vincent's and then I pop into the Gem for a fat stack of newspapers before heading home for a leisurely pootle around my kitchen. Lyric FM, a cup of coffee and a few hours of leisurely slicing, peeling and daydreaming. What's the rush? It's Sunday!

The faint sounds of some sporty-thingy-or-other comes from the living room as I lay the table, add the last flourish to the gravy and call everyone to table. I ask Jack whether he would like gravy and his reply is formulaic. 'Lashings!', he declares, in fond remembrance of Jim Malone; a dear friend and fellow Sunday diner before he was called to a banquet of far more celestial fare.

After dinner is cleared; I am the Queen of my own Destiny. Shall I read? Nap with one of the cats? Listen to music? Piddle about on Facebook? Take a stroll outside? Today, I shall continue updating my recipe box with one eye on the clock. Eight o'clock is wine 'o'clock around these parts, partner. wink emoticon

Ah, Sunday. I've missed you all week. See you again next week, dear friend. xx

100 Happy Days - Day 6

LOL! I brought the women to get their hair done there and wandered bang into the middle of the Barrowhouse Juveniles Flag Day! Uh-oh!

Our team aren't exactly 'Na Fianna' but they're OUR TEAM and they have lots of guts and determination. They're also some of the nicest bunch of lads you could hope to meet. All very well and good until every cheery 'hello Jenny!' you hear is delivered by a sweet young neighbour with a collection tin! Uh-oh...

I might be broke-ass poor today but I love my local team and supporting them makes for a happy start to the day! 

grin emoticon

100 Happy Days - Day 5

I love to bake. smile emoticon 

I bake everything and anything; any time of the day or night (!), I'm to be found in a chaotic kitchen, covered in flour, hectic and panicked, scatty and messy; utterly, utterly happy.

Baking is the silver thread that has been woven through my life, bringing blessings with it. I learned to bake at the knees of my beautiful, talented and generous grandmother, shouldering my brothers out of the way for a coveted lick of the batter spoon, arguing over the apple core rolled in brown sugar.

I have had many's the baking disaster; and these have added to the lore of the family, to be laughed at and blushed over when our family get together. 'Remember when Jenny made those gingerbread men..?' gasp emoticon

Baking is how I turn the secret language of my soul into reality. When my heart is full of worry for ill family; I can't speak my fears, so I turn them into nourishing soda bread; heaped high with creamy scrambled eggs. When I visit a wake house; my tea loaf will tell you that I share your pain and wish I could soothe your grieving. Every wedding cake I've ever made is well sweetened with blessings and prayers for joy for the new couple. I have even apologised to our vet with a dozen cupcakes. Isobel likes to bite and I like to bake, so it all works out in the end.wink emoticon

Baking has helped me make friends, has given me confidence, has been an outlet for my creativity since I gave up working to look after my family. In a thousand small and deeply significant ways; the magic of flour and eggs, butter and sugar have enriched my life and brought me a happiness I can count on; even in the very darkest of days.

I made this to wish our local Laois Rose Teresa Brennan every possible success in the Rose of Tralee. May it bring her luck, joy... and happiness. x

100 Happy Days - Day 4

This is Jack; my Da-in-Law. Jack's an oul' sweetheart. smile emoticon
He's been quite poorly recently but is taking it all in his stride. You'd never hear a word of complaint from him; not a good thing (!) as I'm worried about conversations that begin 'Jenny; this has been bothering me for awhile...' gasp emoticon
He's a vintage boy; 82 on his next birthday and has seen more in those years than we spoilt newbies could cope with from a TV show! (Hello? BBC? Would you cop on with the hard times already! How unrealistic!!) He's a husband and a father and utterly devoted to any wee furry, feathered or whiskered thing the good Lord sends his way. While he was in hospital; my two cats thought the world had ended! Such meowing when he came home!!
If #100happydays is to foster within us an attitude of gratitude and a beady eye for the joys of life; it's as well Jack can't work the 'computernet'; he's been living these values for more than twice as long as I've been alive!! Love ya Fat Boy! xx

100 Happy Days - Day 3

I love the song 'O Fortuna' and now; thanks to the magical internet, I can sing the lyrics at the top of my falsetto voice whilst doing the housework! Win!
'Send him to Nooooorth Koreeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!'

Monday 23 May 2016

100 Happy Days - Day 2

This is my Swiddy. smile emoticon On no planet whatsoever should we make sense; but we do.
I'm scatty; he's sensible. I never plan anything; he plans everything. Our bookshelves are utterly incompatible and he watches sports ALL THE TIME!! He likes documentaries and Dad-rock; I'd rather eat dirt than watch or listen to any of those!
We met at work and I liked him immediately. That smile! Those eyes!! Regrettably; he told me that his first impression was not so favourable... He said I 'bounced' everywhere and was clearly bonkers. gasp emoticon
I adored him for two solid years before I got fed up waiting and asked him out. To my shock; he accepted and that was 14 years ago this coming October.
He's sweet and smart and loyal to a fault. He literally lives for his family. He is the ultimate confidante and advisor; even if his dispassionate Virgo point of view drives this Cancerian girl crazy at times! He makes a kick-ass pasta sauce too!
When I had a greyhound shelter; he moved our bed downstairs so we could nurse an abuse-case starveling dog through the night for a whole long weekend. He has the biggest, widest, most generous heart I have ever encountered. I bless the hour and the day God inspired me to bounce up to this lovely man and say hello. He doesn't just make me happy; he IS my happy.